Monday, December 5, 2016

Article 82. Reorganizing the Federal Government and Implementation of Reforms

This is my standard Government and Industry approach for implementing Reform.
This is a soft approach for entities that need reform and are not over 20% over- staffed.  This approach first implements Enterprise Lean facilitated by OIG Analysts.  As a part of Enterprise Lean's basic function of continuous improvement, work processes are right-sized by the Lean Team.  This activity is aided by OIG Analysts who provide Work Measurement expertise including time-study followed by a bottoms-up manpower budget. The reform approach in    Article 84. applies to departments such as the DOD with suspected over-staffing of 30% or more. For examples of of results from Lean studies see Article 8. Twenty Five Case Studies Using Lean in Government.

Reorganizing for the Implementation of Reforms
The President must be in agreement with reform operations and be involved.
I recommend that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) be the primary source of the Government reform effort. Headed by the US Inspector General (a newly created office) reporting directly to the OMB.  Because  personnel in the Departmental Offices of Inspector Generals (OIGs) will be tapped for implementing the Government Reforms it is necessary that all OIGs report directly to the US Inspector General and the OMB.   Using Government Personnel (OIG Analysts) instead of Outside Consultants will save $ millions and will leave an ongoing organization to maintain government efficiency.  This change will likely need congressional approval and should be accomplished early in the first 100 days of the Trump presidency.  The complete reform of the federal government may take 4 years but reduced budgets should start appearing in the first year.
See Article 52.  Establishment of a Government Wide United States Inspector Generals Office

Pilot implementation (If required)
The Veterans Administration Hospitals is a Likely pilot for starting the implementations of reforms but this is one of the few organizations where the outcome may be an increase in personnel even with efficient operations.  This will give a boost to help Veterans needing healthcare and delay some of the backlash that will come from massive layoffs in other organizations.  Choosing a different department to start the pilot will demonstrate the more likely result of savings from layoffs something the public has wanted for a long time leading to a reduction in taxes.

The Phases of the Reform Process
1. Simplify Government
It is better to simplify government before trying to reform it.  Governmental activities, determined to be unnecessary, can be eliminated using the Effectiveness Test.  Those activities not meeting the test will loose funding.  Simplifying government is not a simple matter but this is where you get rid of unnecessary activities and Red Tape.

Using The Consolidation Model by Lawrence Rosier
A Comparison of Duplicated Services is done by OIG Analysts to determine their associated cost data.   Outcomes are compared with other duplicated Functions from all the organizations and are depicted in a matrix chart. Those duplicated services rejected for low efficiency will be declared as redundant and their budgets cut followed by reassignment or layoff of employees.  Those services with the highest efficiency will have their budgets kept in place or moved to the new final single location with employees given the opportunity to move to the final service group providing the services.

2. Implement the General Reform Model
The United States Inspector General (newly appointed) will have Oversight of the implementation of all reforms including the General Reform Model.
The General Reform Model uses employee Enterprise Lean Teams to get the highest efficiency and effectiveness possible.  We will use the data developed by Departmental Lean Teams to Right-Size the selected Department.  The Lean Team data will be used by specially trained OIG Analysts to develop bottoms-up budgets which identify the actual costs of all systems and functions (draining the swamp).  This is also the data needed to manage the organization’s work load and in the determination of the level of staffing needed to meet standards. See Article 10. Private Versus Public Budgeting

3. The Training and Organization of Employee Enterprise Lean Teams
I recommend that Enterprise Lean Training Consultants be brought in providing training seminars for the OIG Analysts and other Training staff (Train the Trainer).  Employee Lean training should begin immediately by the Department’s training staff.  I suggest that the normal training curriculum for the Department be suspended and an all out effort be made for Enterprise Lean Training.  Training should be made first for staff members followed by management, Lean Facilitators (OIG Analysts) and lastly departmental employees. The objective of this training is to get Employees organized into work teams and excited about improving government.  See Article 27. The Difficult Details of Reform

4. Review of Lean Team Results and Collection of Lean Data
After a period of about two months most Functional (low level) Lean Teams, those that were organized and trained by OIG Analysts acting as Facilitators, should have their Value Stream Analyses completed.   I have had success with doing the flow of the current method on long white butcher or brown wrapping paper tapped around a conference room on the walls.  The steps of the current method is completed first, followed by the proposed improved method done directly under it.  This is done to highlight the differences between the two methods and has the benefit of the team member involvement.  I suggest that some Functional Lean Teams with significant savings present their improved method to management.   The OIG Analyst will time study the new method to document savings.  After the presentation to management the rolled document is given to a OIG Analyst to document the Changes from the team proposal in a spreadsheet. 

5. Activities of the Reform Consultant

The Consultant will play a key role in being sure that the employee Lean teams are properly trained.  The Consultant will insure that the activities of OIG Analysts can determine the correct staffing level through Work Measurement.  Some OIG Analysts may find the proper staffing for variable processes difficult to determine, the Consultant will make this determination when necessary. This data combined with the number of occurrences of the function over time, obtained from a daily log kept by each Lean Team, provides the basis for an accurate functional budget.  The Lean data from the documentation will be kept on a spreadsheet by the OIG Analysts and summarized in a database where all of the Department’s functional data are stored.  The data can be collected in electronic tablets using a spreadsheet program specifically designed for this process.  All tablet spread sheets will be continuously updated using a special Google App (application).  The Consultant will provide on the job training of OIG Analysts in the collection of this data and all subsequent reform steps.

6. Organizational Reform
In the final step of the General Reform Model, the Reform Consultant will begin the process of organizational reform by replacing the Bureaucratic organization with a Team Management organization with top management managing the Agency’s activities through Group Teams with each managing several Functional Teams.  The Lean Teams at the Functional level will become self managed Functional Teams with each of their elected leaders reporting directly to a Group Managed team.  Group Managed Teams will assume their management role from the pre-organized high level Lean Teams.  There is some flexibility in how this process actually occurs but it is necessary in order to eliminate the problems caused by the Bureaucratic organization.  The important advantage in changing from a Bureaucratic organization to a Team Managed organization is that the savings continues annually for years from continuous improvement without a return to the old bureaucratic methods.

7. Time of Staffing Adjustments
This is the period of time for the reduction of redundant government staff.  To attain a balanced work load is a primary objective where retraining employees to fill needed vacancies is pursued.  Where departmental staffing can be reduced layoffs or temporary reassignments should be completed within a month.

Role of the Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Because the GAO is and arm of Congress and headed by the US Comptroller General, appointed for a 15 year term and I do not recommend that the GAO be responsible for implementing reforms.  However the GAO can support the OMB by identifying waste in government.


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