Friday, December 9, 2016

Article 85. The New OMB and OIG Relationship with the CBO

I have recommended that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) be the primary source of the Government Reform effort.  Headed by the US Inspector General (a newly created office) reporting directly to the OMB. Office of Inspector General (OIG) Analysts provide the boots on the ground for the implementation of reforms providing an on-going government efficiency organization instead of bringing in Temporary Outside Consultants saving $millions. 

The recommended creation of the US Office of the Inspector General (USOIG) will continue its branch activities which are closely associated and embedded with each of the Federal Departments.
How the Congressional Budget Office can work with the USOIG
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is divided into eight divisions one is for “Microeconomic Studies”.  OIG Analysts associated with the Department that will be implementing a Congressional Bill can support CBO Microeconomic Studies by providing simulated manpower requirements before the bill becomes law.  After the bill becomes law and is implemented OIG analysts will determine the correct staffing of the new work by building a bottoms-up manpower budget insuring efficiency in government.

A bottoms-up manpower budget simply means that as the OIG Analysts’ determine the manpower required for each process the requirements are added until all of the processes have been accounted for.  Overhead and Management costs are added to obtain a final budget. This type of budget provides for a solid efficient government when compared with a standard top-down estimated budget.

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