Thursday, November 28, 2013

Article 25. Now We Know How to Reinvent Government

This article is an excerpt from my ebook offered by

In1997 Osborne and Gaebler published a very popular important book “Reinventing Government”.  The point of the book was in showing how the entrepreneurial spirit was transforming government.  Although they had plenty of examples the difficulty they experienced was in defining just what the entrepreneurial spirit is exactly and how does one capture it and apply it.  A second follow-up book  “Banishing Bureaucracy-The five strategies for Reinventing Government” by Osborne and Plastrik sought to correct the short comings of the first book.  The second book although a success in sales failed to deliver a step by step approach which could be followed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness and bring innovation to an organization. Although their outcomes were right on track with their desire for fixing the organization’s  systems, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness, and the capacity to innovate. Their focus was on changing an organization’s:  purpose, incentives, accountability, power structure and culture.  The problem was that they did not have a standardized approach to implementation leaving the implementer with too many undefined paths to follow.  A second problem is that their approach was to sell the method to each bureaucracy which left the effort politically dead on arrival.   There was no incentive for a bureaucracy to buy in to such major changes.  The results were disappointing and everyone soon forgot about reinventing government.
Ref. Osborne and Plastrik book, Banishing Bureaucracy The Five Strategies for Reinventing Government, published by Addison Wesley Publishing Co. 1998  p. 10.

We now know how to harness the “entrepreneurial spirit” and make it work for us.  The use of the powerful tool “Enterprise Lean”  fixes the organizations systems and “Reform Models” provide the missing step by step approach for reinventing an organization.  We avoid the second problem of selling the process to a bureaucracy simply by having the whole process managed by those government leaders who have oversight for the budget of the bureaucracy.  The reason is that it is virtually impossible to make such major changes from within a bureaucracy.

We can now reinvent government by leveraging innovation throughout government using  Enterprise Lean.  We already know how to fix the systems of government by implementing Enterprise Lean   Now by leveraging this same innovative process throughout government we can transform the entire government.  What we are transforming is the way that government does things and the way it is organized making it efficient and effective and the public gets what it wants “a government that works”. 

Please Review the Following Articles:
Article 1. The Effectiveness and Efficiency of Lean Six Sigma and Enterprise Lean
Article 2. Massive Savings Through Massive Simplification of Government 
Article 5. Proposal to Implement Enterprise Lean in California State Government
Article 11. The Failure of Bureaucratic Government In Missouri
Article 12. Lawrence Rosier's State Reform Models
Article 23. Proposal to GAO for Pilot implementation of General Reform Model
Article 24. Proposal for Missouri State Enterprise Lean
Article 33. Proposal for a Pilot Demo Reform of a Ford Dept Office
Article 46.  Reinventing Texas Government to Operate Like a Private Business
Article 47. Technical Guide to State Government Reform
Article 48. Consolidation of Government Duplicated Services
Article 49. The Effectiveness Test, a Tool for Reforming Government
Article 69.  Using Enterprise Best Practices at the VA
Article 70.  Enterprise Lean, Balanced Work Load, Continuous Improvement
Article 71. Three levels of Throughput- Current, Capable and Required
Article 73. Fundamental Innovation at the VA
Article 76. Detailed Description of the Throughput Process
Article 77. Aug 13 Proposed Consulting Agreement with VA
Article 78. Its All About Leveraging Labor and Knowledge
Article 79. Simplify and Then Reform Government
Article 80. Technical Guide to Company Reform

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