Sunday, February 4, 2018

Article 117. The Amazon, JPMorgan Chase, Berkshire Hathaway Consortium

The Amazon, JPMorgan Chase, Berkshire Hathaway Consortium

Three corporate giants: Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JP Morgan Chase have announced that they would form an independent health care company for their employees in the United States. This announcement signaled a possible massive change in the Nations Health Care causing Health Care stocks to plummet in the stock market. 

Our US fraud based private for-profit Health Care costs double that of Europe’s Government Health Care systems.  The Affordable Health Care Act provided health care for all but did almost nothing to reduce costs.  US Health Care is anything but affordable.

The Health Care Lobby in Congress has prevented reform in the nation’s health care.  A few years ago Lobbyists successfully got Congress to allow TV advertisements for Prescription Drugs now more money is spent by some drug companies on TV advertisements than on research boosting the cost of drugs.

State Governments are overwhelmed with healthcare overruns especially in Medicaid.  Now with US health care in near total disarray Corporate Giants are stepping in to provide health care for their employees and retirees.  They may then form alliances with State Governments to provide much needed change in health care.

My Health Care Suggestions have been adopted by the Consortium
General hospitals do nearly all Procedures with low patient volume and at high cost. The hospital design I am proposing is exactly the opposite: wholly independent routine Procedures are done in specialized Clinics with high patient volume at the lowest cost.  The Corporate Consortium can take advantage of this approach to reduce Health care costs for routine Procedures by as much as 60%.  Cataract surgery has been shown to reduce costs by 90%. Ref. Article 110.

Routine Procedure Clinic are completely independent and have their own staff and facilities.  Should the patient Volume be higher than that of the design the procedure can be redesigned or it can be duplicated with added staff and facilities. I have Identified about 15 possible clinics. Ref: Article 111.

Lean Teams develop Daily Plans
Enterprise Lean Teams developed by Toyota is currently being used in: Washington State, Iowa and Minnesota governments to make continuous improvements in State Government Functions. It has also been successfully implemented in the Cleveland Clinic well known for its health care.  The process consists of working teams that meet regularly to review and discuss how the work they are doing can be improved upon. Employees were found to become excited about their jobs with their involvement providing continuous innovative solutions to work problems.

For each Lean Team I have added the task of developing a Daily Plan for their Procedure.  Daily Plans are not easily constructed and will need help from trained professionals.

The Routine Procedure Clinics work Best with the following Criteria:
  • Repeatable Processes (relatively routine, process does not vary)
  • Sufficient Backlog for Continuous Operation  
  • Daily Plan efficiently designed by each Lean Team
  • Balanced Operations (no one waits for others to do their jobs)

In the future States may pursue the development of a State Health Care Delivery system as an alternative to the current private health care delivery system that is mainly driven by fraud.  The new system will require those who can, will pay for their own health care or provide their own insurance. The hope is that Corporate involvement in US Health Care reforms will migrate to a State government run non-profit system over the next 10 years similar to Europe but with better management controls.   $billions can be saved by eliminating waste in our Health care system.

The State of Missouri is following this recommendation when fully implemented will save the state $2 billion annually. 

Contact Lawrence Rosier
Lawrence Rosier Consulting
12143 Cedar Grove Rd.
Rolla, Missouri 65401
573 578 4716

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