Sunday, January 1, 2017

Article 89. Why Reforming the Federal Government is Necessary

It is important to understand why we need to reform the Federal Government after all it has been around for more than two hundred years.   The Federal Government has always been a difficult problem to get a hold of for newly elected Presidents and department head appointees since they are there for only a short time.  In many cases the heads of the departments appointed by an incoming President never get to fully understand the real workings of the department while the Bureaucratic Managers of the departments have had years to tighten their grip on the organization.   The best example was with the Veteran’s Administration in 2013 when veterans were dying before they could get an appointment to see a doctor in the Phoenix Veteran’s Hospital while the Head of Veteran’s Affairs was given false information about the inner workings of the VA. A second example is of Hurricane Katrina, Aug 26, 2015, a bureaucratic disaster which compounded the natural disaster caused by the hurricane.  

It is necessary to understand what is wrong with the Federal Government in order to implement the changes that are needed. I see the main problem as the “Bureaucratic organization” itself, not so much the average employee involved because all employees are caught in the web of the bureaucratic organization. But the Bureaucratic Top Managers control the organization with an iron fist because the department is very afraid of scandal leading to congressional oversight and budget cuts. Good news can also lead to an increase in budget. This means that the most important thing that Bureaucratic Managers do is to manage their public image to protect and get the largest budget possible. The Mission of the department and its service to the public takes second place.

The above Federal Government problems are solved by the following Reforms
1. Eliminate the use and abuse of power by the Bureaucratic top management by changing the organization to a Team Management organization with layers of unnecessary Bureaucratic management removed.  The Team Management organization has only a few top managers reporting to the department Head appointed by the President. Mid management is also reduced with Team Leaders managing segments of the organization. At the working level Team leaders are elected by their peers. Employees participate in Enterprise Lean Teams to make continuous improvements to their work.

2.  By implementing Work Measurement and Management Controls to the budgeting process for the first time we can manage the work of government and bring it under control.

These are the reasons for the implementation of my General Reform Model but these address just the major known problems.  The recommendations for a US Inspector General with the OIG organization provide an oversight organization that besides the implementation of reforms is flexible enough to address any new problem that arises, providing a permanent solution to the management of our Federal Government.  See articles 82. & 84.

It is important to remember that If the Bureaucratic organization is not replaced all savings gained will be lost in just a few years with a return to business as usual.

Questions can be sent to me by Email:   or by Phone: 573 364 8789  Cell 573 578 4716

1 comment:

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