Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Article 53. We Don’t Know a Damned Thing about Energy

We Don’t Know a Damned Thing about Energy

The End of the Petroleum Era 
Conservation of energy is the accepted common knowledge of today.  You can not create energy from nothing there must be some source supplying the energy.  I learned this in engineering courses at the University of Missouri.  But there is a forgotten phrase that goes with conservation of energy that is often left out of the discussion.  This phrase is “in a closed system”.   Solar energy does not violate the conservation of energy laws because it is in an open system.  As long as there is sun light solar cells can convert solar energy in electrical energy.  What has happened is that we have ignored possibilities for obtaining energy from open systems other than solar energy. 

We are surrounded with energy with positive and negative ions which cancel themselves out yielding a neutral state where we are unaware of them.  Only when we experience static electricity and see the flash and power of lightning do we begin to understand that there is energy surrounding us.  We live within the earth’s magnetic field all that is needed is to convert the earth’s magnetic energy into electrical energy.  I believe that this has been demonstrated.

See my Blog on the new Electrical Technology Key article 10. and articles 16, 15, 14, 13.
Also See the following References:
Tesla and Gray's free energy.pdf  by Dr. Peter Lindemann
DonSmith.pdf A Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices by Patrick J. Kelly
Mohamed.pdf  by Mohamed Belkired

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