Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Article 53. We Don’t Know a Damned Thing about Energy

We Don’t Know a Damned Thing about Energy

The End of the Petroleum Era 
Conservation of energy is the accepted common knowledge of today.  You can not create energy from nothing there must be some source supplying the energy.  I learned this in engineering courses at the University of Missouri.  But there is a forgotten phrase that goes with conservation of energy that is often left out of the discussion.  This phrase is “in a closed system”.   Solar energy does not violate the conservation of energy laws because it is in an open system.  As long as there is sun light solar cells can convert solar energy in electrical energy.  What has happened is that we have ignored possibilities for obtaining energy from open systems other than solar energy. 

We are surrounded with energy with positive and negative ions which cancel themselves out yielding a neutral state where we are unaware of them.  Only when we experience static electricity and see the flash and power of lightning do we begin to understand that there is energy surrounding us.  We live within the earth’s magnetic field all that is needed is to convert the earth’s magnetic energy into electrical energy.  I believe that this has been demonstrated.

See my Blog on the new Electrical Technology Key article 10. and articles 16, 15, 14, 13.
Also See the following References:
Tesla and Gray's free energy.pdf  by Dr. Peter Lindemann
DonSmith.pdf A Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices by Patrick J. Kelly
Mohamed.pdf  by Mohamed Belkired

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Article 52.  Establishment of a Government Wide United States Inspector Generals Office

This proposal establishes a US Inspector Generals office with all departmental Inspector Generals' Offices reporting to it. It would eliminate the biased control by Departmental bureaucrats and allow OIG's the freedom to investigate fraud and waste. 

Proposed by Lawrence Rosier Reform Consultant 
April 8, 2014.
Over the years US Government Bureaucracies have developed means for protecting themselves while appearing to be doing the right thing to the public. Currently all major Departments of the Federal Government have their own Inspector General offices to conduct audits and make reports and recommendations to their specific Department Heads. There are 73 federal offices of inspectors general, a significant increase since the statutory creation of the initial 12 offices by the Inspector General Act of 1978. The offices employ special agents (criminal investigators, often armed) and auditors. In addition, federal offices of inspectors general employ forensic auditors, or evaluators, inspectors, administrative investigators, and a variety of other specialists. Their activities include the detection and prevention of fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement of the government programs and operations within their parent organizations. These are self investigating organizations the primary reason that waste leading to budget cuts seldom occur.

The Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) was created in 1978 with the current acting Inspector General, Mary Kendall head of the Council.  But with the thousands of instances of reported waste the US Government "Departmental Inspector General" approach appears to be flawed.  For example in March 2013 the GAO released a 345 page study of US Government duplicated services. 

A problem arises from conflict of interest between a Department's Inspector Generals office and the Department head it reports to, where waste of government funds are concerned and especially where reduced budgets are the result of the Inspector General's recommendations. There appears to be no single organization in the US Federal Government with a free hand for fixing government waste problems leading to reduced budgets and smaller government.

Therefore I am making the following recommendation for the establishment of a United States Inspectors General Office with all Departmental Inspectors Generals reporting directly to this office and not to their current Department offices.    I further recommend that the Office of Management and Budget  (OMB) be the Home for this organization.  The  US Inspector General would report directly to the OMB.  All Department Inspector Generals offices will remain in their current locations within each US Government Department. The enhanced powers of the OMB provides for a single organization with the express powers for finding and eliminating Government Waste.

The mandate for this organization is to empower all Inspector General offices to not only conduct audits and make recommendations within their respective Departments but to stop waste by disbanding and confiscation the budgets of wasteful government operations.  This includes duplicated government services and services which are ineffective and can not meet an “Effectiveness Test” relative to their budgets,  producing results that satisfies their customers.  The burden of proof of effectiveness shall be the responsibility of the government service in question.

The newly appointed USOIG shall implement a special training operation to achieve uniform audit and procedural policies as well as bringing all Inspector General’s offices up to date in the following new and innovative technologies.

A. Lean Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma, adapted to DOD operations by the Military is the number one tool of choice for streamlining high level hardware deployment systems.  This tool can be applied to any high level system especially for systems that operate across organizational boundaries.

B. The General reform Model developed by Lawrence Rosier Reform Consultant
The “General Reform Model” is a step by step approach leading to the highest efficiency and effectiveness of subsystems which tie into the high level systems of the Lean Six Sigma studies.  This model is meant to be applied agency by agency, first fixing the subsystems using Enterprise Lean followed by right-sizing the Agency with the proper staffing required with a transparent budget.  The process ends by changing the bureaucratic organization to a Team Managed organization (Team Managed organizations have shown that they reduce fraud and corruption through peer pressure and protection of Whistle Blowers).

C. The Consolidation Model Developed by Lawrence Rosier Principal Consultant
The “Consolidation Model” consolidates duplicated government services into a single streamlined organization.  A tool which I have developed and used in the Consolidation Model is the “Effectiveness Test” which OIG Analysts can use to confront an organization’s services to determine if the services meet the requirements of its public customers.  With failure to meet its customer requirements, relative to the size of its budget, the OIG is empowered by Congress (legislation needed) to disband the ineffective service and confiscate its budget.  The use of these tools should be a part of the proposed legislation.

U S Inspector General Duties within the OMB

The establishment of the United States Office of the Inspector General shall be within the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). 
1. Conduct and supervise audits consistent with generally accepted government auditing standards and investigations relating to all Departments of the US Government.
2.  Provide solutions and supervise the elimination of government waste.
3.  Provide leadership and coordination and recommend policies, to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the US Government.
4.  Keep the President's staff fully informed concerning fraud and other serious problems, abuses, and deficiencies relating to the administration of programs and operations of the US Government.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Article 51. Legislation for Elimination of Government Waste Leading to Major Reform of the Federal Government


Nearly every person in the US knows that the Federal Government wastes $billions annually and it appears that nothing can be done about it.   This Article refutes that kind of negative thinking by showing how the elimination of government waste can become a reality.  Most Americans want a Balanced budget the best way to bring desperate parties together is to eliminate the waste in government as a starter making a balanced budget just that much closer. Across the board cuts to balance the budget is the worst form of budget management because it punishes efforts of efficient managers and encourages the over staffing that is rampant in government.

One of the major problems Fiscal Conservatives face is that we elect the best of those who agree with us to vote NO on new spending legislation.  We need to do better than that. I suggest that we need to have a plan to guide us in the steps we need to take to get where we want to go.  To do this we should look for common ground, the things we care about that others in government cannot disagree with.  This is why I proposed Article 49. The “Wounded Warrior Government Waste Elimination Project” and Article 52.  Establishment of a Government Wide United States Inspector Generals Office.

The Passing of Legislation enabling these projects could lead to  massive reform of the Federal Government.  See articles 48,49,50 and 52.

Who would vote against hiring and training Wounded Warriors to eliminate government waste?  But it turns out that what the American public wants and what many elected representatives want are not the same.  The elimination of waste should be our primary objective it leads to smaller government.  Where as focusing on smaller government only arouses objection for those who think they are going to be unemployed.   The creation of common ground rather than confrontation is necessary to get key legislation passed.  I suggest that to get the legislation passed that the legislation target only waste in Washington DC and not within the States which many politicians think is desirable and exclude the Politicians themselves for fear of a backlash of investigations into junkets (unnecessary trips). 

The logic of Legislation for eliminating waste in the US Government
 1. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is the logical place for an independent reform organization.  The OMB in the last few years has been tasked with only identifying the waste in government.  Congress simply can not resolve the thousands of instances of government waste by enacting laws alone the problem is simply too big. The OMB will have the US Inspector General (a new office) Reporting to it and will have the entire governments OIG analysts at its disposal to implement major reforms.

2.  In my proposal I recommended that the OMB be empowered to not only investigate waste but to proactively eliminate any waste that they encounter.  Presently there is no single Agency in the US Government charged with eliminating waste this legislation would make the OMB that organization.  The OMB will need training in new innovative tools which I provide in my proposal.

3.  Hundreds of so called efficiency tools have been implemented in government over the years and then has been cast aside only to be replaced by the next big so called efficiency tool.  None of these tools provide the success that is desired because they don’t focus on actual cost data.  Many of these tools just add to the waste in government.

This search has now ended with the development of the following tools:
a. Lean Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma, adapted to DOD operations by the Military is the number one tool of choice for streamlining high level hardware deployment systems.  

b. My General reform Model
The “General Reform Model” is a step by step approach leading to the highest efficiency and effectiveness of subsystems which tie into the high level systems of the Lean Six Sigma studies.  This model is meant to be applied agency by agency, first fixing the subsystems using Enterprise Lean followed by right-sizing the Agency with the proper staffing required with a transparent budget.  The process ends by changing the bureaucratic organization to a Team Managed organization (Team Managed organizations have shown that they reduce fraud and corruption through peer pressure and protection of Whistle Blowers).

c. My Consolidation Model
The “Consolidation Model” consolidates duplicated government services into a single streamlined organization.  A tool which I have developed and used in the Consolidation Model is the “Effectiveness Test” which OIG Analysts can use to confront an organization’s services to determine if the services meet the requirements of its public customers.  With failure to meet its customer requirements, relative to the size of its budget, the OIG is empowered by Congress (legislation needed) to disband the ineffective services and confiscate its budget.  The use of these tools should be a part of the proposed legislation.

4.  With the Hiring and training of Wounded Warriors in the new innovative tools I expect that it will still take ten years to make a significant dent in government waste. Remember that the government has been wasting our tax dollars since it began and government employees almost never get laid off even for fraud.