Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Article 48. Consolidation of Government Duplicated Services

This proposal for the implementation of my Consolidation Model to eliminate  duplicated Government programs and services was rejected by the GAO. Estimated savings $100 billion.

March 1 2013, (Bloomberg) -- Janet St. Laurent of the U.S. Government Accountability Office talks about the agency's report on redundancies. The GAO released a 345-page report today combing the federal catalog of government programs to uncover what it said was evidence of waste and duplication that cost taxpayers billions of dollars each year. St. Laurent speaks with Carol Massar on Bloomberg Television's "Street Smart."
Janet St. Laurent's key takeaway is that the GAO has not developed a good method for acquiring the accurate data needed to make decisions on who should be doing these services.

Examples of Federal Government Duplicated Services:
The GAO found that there were 82 federal programs to improve teacher quality, 80 to help disadvantaged people with transportation, 47 for job training and employment, and 56 to help people understand finances.  Another prime example is the 15 different agencies that oversee food-safety laws, with no specific agency solely dedicated to the issue of food safety.

The GAO is the only independent government organization that has the expertise and the capability for reforming the Federal Government and solving the duplicated government services problem.  Congress does not have a solution for fixing these problems and most Agencies do not implement changes that lead to reduced staff and budgets.

Consolidation of Government Duplicated Services:
I have developed a "Consolidation Model" just for this purpose it generates the accurate data for making decisions on who should be providing government services.  Then identifies the most likely candidate agency for providing the service and moves the service to the new Agency or revamped final Agency.  The process meets all of the GAO's criteria for being: efficient, effective, ethical, equitable and representative.

The main goal is to consolidate and eliminate duplicated Federal Agency services by streamlining the desired government services.  

A secondary goal of the implementation is to strengthen the Legislative Budgeting process by providing transparency of the cost of service activities of the new organization to the legislative budget leaders enabling them to control budgets through the knowledge of the correct service staffing and its budget.  

The Consolidation Model by Lawrence Rosier Principal Consultant

Activities of the Consolidation Committee:

Step 1. Proposed Formation of a GAO Consolidation Committee
The proposed Consolidation Committee will have broad powers to lead and implement consolidation of duplicated government services.  This is necessary for legitimacy and to make sure that the consolidation of duplicated services are evaluated for effectiveness and efficiency.  The Principal Consultant will report to the Consolidation Committee and will train and lead GAO Lean Teams in the documentation of duplicated services and the efficiency of the final Agency.

Step 2. The Consolidation Committee will Prioritize the selection of the Services that are being duplicated for the most return on investment for GAO expenditure. It will request the name of a management representative for duplicated services in each Agency where duplication occurs. The representative will provide: the budgeted amount for the duplicated service, the customer names of those receiving the service and a flow chart of the activities for doing the service and other documentation as deemed necessary. 

Step 3. A GAO Effectiveness Evaluation Team will review the data submitted by the duplicating service Agency for the "Effectiveness" of the service to the Agency's customers.  If its customers are not satisfied with the services provided by the duplicating Agency it fails to pass the Effectiveness Test.  If the Effectiveness test is inconclusive the GAO Effectiveness Evaluation Teams may visit the Agency providing the duplicated services for further evaluation.  Agencies who fail the Effectiveness Test will have their budgets cut for this service and employees reassigned or laid off.

Step 4. GAO Lean Team documentation of Efficiency
When a duplicating service Agency passes the Effectiveness Test a GAO Lean Team lead by the Principal Consultant is dispatched to the Agency to Document the current process of the duplicated service and the efficient Lean process. The objective is to verify actual cost data to enable the process of deciding what to do with the service.  The most efficient duplicated necessary services after comparison with other duplicated services shall be moved to a new Agency or a revamped final Agency. 

Step 5. Comparison of Duplicated Services
The GAO Lean Team is used to evaluate the efficiency of the duplicated service and its associated cost data.   Outcomes are to be compared with all the other duplicated services from all the organizations depicted in a matrix chart where duplicated services are to be compared. Those duplicated services rejected for low efficiency will be declared as redundant and their budgets cut followed by reassignment or layoff of employees.

Those agencies with the highest efficiency will have their budgets moved to the new organization and the employees will be given the opportunity to move to the final Agency providing the services.

Step 6. Resolution of an Entire Agency
If an entire Agency with Duplicated services fails to pass the Effectiveness Test regardless of how efficient they are they will be declared to be redundant.   With its budget removed and employees laid off.  Some management will remain until the Agency can be shut down.

Consulting Services Supplied by the Principal Consultant:

Beginning in step 4. The Principal Consultant will build, train and supervise GAO Lean Teams of Budget Analysts supplied by the GAO for the implementation of the Consolidation Reform Model. The Principal Consultant will confer closely with the proposed GAO Consolidation Committee in the selection of the GAO Lean Team members.  The purpose is to develop and train Lean Teams on an on going basis.  After the first Lean Teams have had sufficient training to work on their own they will be followed by more Lean Teams until an optimum number has been attained.  It is expected that the Lean Teams will be able to make an Agency evaluation in a single visit.  They will document the Lean data using tablet computers (provided by the GAO) in a spreadsheet (provided by the Principal Consultant).  The tablet computers will have a Google APP installed that will allow spreadsheets to be instantly available for evaluation by the Principal Consultant.           

Training Provided by the Principal Consultant:
GAO Lean Teams will receive training in Lean by a certified Lean trainer (provided by the GAO).  The Principal Consultant will provide the following training: time studies, right-sizing (makes sure all employees have a full time job), budgeting, staffing, and workload balancing (management of the work flow).   These activities are necessary to the making of the most efficient final Agency.

Contact Information:
Lawrence Rosier Consulting 12143 Cedar Grove Rd. Rolla Missouri 65401 (573) 364 8789    cell (573) 578 4716 Website: 


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