Wednesday, June 25, 2014

 Article 67. Public Attention to VA Problems is Starting to Wane

We have all seen this happen before, public attention is what drives congress and the VA to answer to whistle blowers.  The attention lasts for only a few months until some other new catastrophe over shadows the problem such as the recent invasion of Iraq by Muslem extremists.  The offending Bureaucracy in this case the VA at first pretends to investigate and finds nothing.  In response to Dr. Foote’s first Letter in 2013 about the Scheduling problems at the Phoenix VA Medical facility, the VA had the matter investigated by its OIG and found nothing.  It wasn’t until the story broke on Dr. Foote’s second Letter in February 2014 that public attention through the media was focused on the VA’s problems.  Meanwhile the VA sent its OIG out again to investigate and the full story began to emerge.  As the findings get worse the media attention grows to a peak.  This is followed by press releases by the VA that no one has actually been harmed by the VA scheduling problems.  This a false claim to sooth the public into thinking that the VA’s problems are being solved and the government is actually doing something. Now the story is waning in the press it is becoming old news and the media moves on to the latest story the Iraq invasion. 

The problem is with the VA’s bureaucratic management which operates its Medical Facilities as little medieval fiefdoms.  Only reports of good news ever reaches the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and he never investigates rumors of wrong doing lessening the chance of actually finding a substantial problem.  What is happening is that in a few more months the VA will claim that it has addressed its problems and the newly appointed Secretary of Veterans Affairs will claim that he will never allow the VA’s problems to occur again.  All is forgiven and the VA continues business as usual.

Veteran organizations have been waiting on the sideline to see what the Federal Government actually does.  It will find that the Federal Government has done little except to implement new laws allowing for the removal of corrupt VA management a mere slap on the wrists for wide spread mismanagement.  This does not imply that all of the VA’s Management need to be replaced many are excellent managers but simply the Bureaucratic environment entraps all of the VA's managers.  This is why the systemic Bureaucratic VA management will not reform themselves leaving but one option the reform must come from outside the organization.

Therefore my proposal to the Senate Veterans Affairs and the House Veterans Affairs Committees for a Consulting Agreement.  This proposal can only be accepted by the VA Committees by enacting legislation.  Because the Federal Government does not accept proposals from the public by its vendor laws.  Listed Vendors cannot make originating proposals to the Federal Government they can only make proposals to calls for proposals from government agencies.  Simply put an agency is most unlikely to call for proposals from outside Consultants to reform itself.

Since Sweeping Reforms is unlikely to be implemented by the VA itself I recommend that VA reforms be implemented by a Congressionally Chartered Veterans Affairs Reform Committee.  This Committee should have the power to bring in outside Consultants to implement the needed reforms. The result could be that the VA becomes the best managed organization in the Federal Government or the alternative "business as usual".   See articles 61, 64, 65, and 66.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Article 66. 'Bonus Culture' at VA Scrutinized by House Committee

An internal investigation released in June 2014 that looked at wait times for all sorts of care across the VA system showed that new mental health patients were routinely forced to wait a month or more to start treatment. Not one of the 141 medical systems examined was able to meet the department's goal of getting all new mental health patients an appointment within 14 days. (AP/David Goldman, File)

Throwing millions of dollars in "outlandish" bonuses around helped create a dangerous culture within the Department of Veterans Affairs - particularly at the Arizona office - where financial incentives trumped patient care, lawmakers said Friday.
House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Jeff Miller, R-Fla., led the grilling of Gina Farrisee, the VA’s assistant secretary for human resources and administration, zeroing in on a bonus system that saw about $10 million awarded to executives at the Phoenix VA Health Care System alone over a three-year period. In total, the VA gives out an estimated $400 million per year in performance bonuses.

“Knowing what we know now, about the fraudulent actions being taken at facilities all across this country that have harmed our veterans, do you think that the department’s assessment that 100 percent of senior managers at VA have been fully successful in the past four years is in line with reality?” Miller asked.

Despite revelations that veterans died languishing on waiting lists and some of the lists were even hidden, at least 65 percent of its senior executive workforce received the bonuses, said Miller.
“As the committee’s investigation into the department continues, and new allegations and cover-ups are exposed, it is important that we examine how the department has arrived at the point where it is today,” Miller said in prepared remarks. “Sadly, it’s a point which has eroded veterans’ trust and America’s confidence in VA’s execution of its mission. Part of the mistrust centers on a belief that VA employees are motivated by financial incentives alone, and I can see why.”
"Part of the mistrust centers on a belief that VA employees are motivated by financial incentives alone, and I can see why."- Rep. Jeff Miller, chairman, House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
Farrisee acknowledged the need to hold VA employees and supervisors accountable, particularly regarding performance, but defended the pay bonuses.

“We must recruit and retain the best talent, many of whom require special skills in health care, information technology, management and benefits delivery,” Farrisee testified. “In particular, VA requires talented senior executives to manage the complex set of facilities and programs that VA is responsible to administer.

“Performance plans are the foundation of accountability not only for senior executives but for the entire workforce,” Farrisee’s prepared remarks continued. “Senior leadership engagement in managing executive performance plans, including counseling and mid-year assessments, also serves as the model for the general schedule workforce.”

Farrisee, who joined the agency in September, admitted to Miller that not a single member of its senior executive service – a pool of 470 individuals – received less than a fully satisfactory or successful rating. She acknowledged that the VA's recently exposed problems don't jibe with an agency rewarding employees for stellar work.

Comment by Lawrence Rosier
I disagree with Farrisee's statement: 
“We must recruit and retain the best talent, many of whom require special skills in health care, information technology, management and benefits delivery,” Farrisee testified.
The primary talent which these managers have is in calculating their bonuses.  The critical skills they lack is the management tools for determining exactly where staffing is needed to meet the 14 day appointment guide line.  They also lack the capability to determine the maximum through put of patients necessary for balancing the healthcare work loads.  These tools make a Health Care facility effective and efficient thus saving the tax payers real money.  This is what bonuses are given for in private industry.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Article 65. Why the General Reform Model Works

The General Reform Model was developed by Lawrence Rosier to solve Bureaucratic systemic management problems exactly like those found in VA Medical Facilities.

Why the general Reform Model works to solve VA problems

First we want to reiterate actual findings of the OIG at the Phoenix VA Medical facilities.  See Article 57. Veterans Health Administration Interim Report
1. VA problems are an out growth of Bureaucratic management problems. 
Symptoms are: 
A. Enormous power concentrated at the top of the organization. 
B.  Self serving interests of top management are greater than the need to fulfill the organizations Mission to serve Veterans Health Care.
C.  OIG discovered excessive bullying and sexual harassment tolerated by upper management.

2.  A second problem is found in the toxic culture created by the bureaucratic Management affecting all employees at the VA Medical Facilities.

3.  A third problem is the failure of the organization to focus on its Mission “Serving Veterans in their need for Health Care” by focusing on getting the highest Effectiveness possible with efficiency.

The General Reform Model addresses all of the above problems in a step by step approach

Step 1. Implementation of Enterprise Lean (developed by Toyota) uses employee Lean Teams to address the problem of converting a negative toxic cultural work environment into a positive environment and focuses employee attention on improving the systems and processes they are working on.  The results get the highest effectiveness and efficiency possible with continuous improvement.

This step addresses problems 2. creates a transparent work environment where employees are encouraged to come forward when problems need to be addressed and 3. focuses employees on the Mission of the organization.

Step 2. OIG Analysts collect the Lean Team data: the time to do the improved process, who is working on the process, the equipment needed for the process.  This data is collected in a spreadsheet and a database.  The results of the data when the entire organization is totaled allows for Right Sizing the organization (reducing over staffed areas and identifying under staffed areas needed to meet Appointment Schedules).  The totaled data also provides an accurate budget for all work processes other than Management and overhead.  For the first time in government we have accurate tools for the management of variable work enabling the balancing of work loads.

Right-Sizing  staffs the entire organization.  With this process we know exactly where staffing increases are needed to meet appointment goals.  Every effort to retrain employees from overstaffed areas and move them to where they are needed will be done.

Step 3. The conversion of the Bureaucratic organization to a Team Managed organization is really a quite simple process because we already have Lean Teams in place at the lower level and in Management. Many of the lower level teams will be self managed with their leaders being elected by secret ballot.  How ever many Professional Teams such as doctors with attending nurses are already in place. Top management of the VA Medical Facility may be selected by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

This step addresses the problem of the Bureaucratic management head on. It spreads decision making powers among top management as well as at the bottom of the organization.  The Lean Teams which become Functional Teams are empowered to find the most effective way of doing their jobs with the most efficiency.  Note that when the bureaucratic organization is converted to a Team Management organization most supervisors at the bottom of the organization are placed back into the Functional Teams which elects their own leaders.  Obviously Bullying and Incompetent supervisors will not be elected as Team Leaders. The reasons why they are not elected will be investigated by the implementers of the reforms on a case by case basis.  However every effort will be made to find appropriate jobs for redundant supervisors.  Note that most if not all of the current toxic bureaucratic problems simply disappear with Team Management.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Article 64. Bureaucratic “Stone Walling”, Whistle Blowers and a Fix for the problem

Over the years of the Obama Administration Representative Jeff Miller from Florida has written numerous letters to the President some outlining complaints from Veterans relating to the lack of VA healthcare.  The letters no doubt ended up in the hands of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki.  Mr. Shinseki may have contacted the offending Heads of the VA Medical Facilities.  Obviously  nothing was done ending in classic “stone walling” of government Bureaucratic leaders.   Mr. Shinseki Could have initiated an investigation by the VA’s own Office of Inspector General OIG which could have yielded the similar results to the current findings a year earlier but didn’t.  But the OIG had already investigated the problem in 2013 and found nothing, at the request of Dr. Sam Foote the current 2014 VA Scandal Whistle Blower.

Dr. Sam Foote the physician who revealed that patients had died while awaiting appointments at the Phoenix VA Health Care System described how he became a whistleblower.

After his original 2013 complaint (to the VA OIG)was apparently disregarded, Dr. Sam Foote wrote a follow-up letter in February 2014 to the VA Office of the Inspector General demanding that his revelations be acted upon, The Arizona Republic reported.

"Patients are still dying. How can that be three months after I first notified you of the problem?" Foote wrote.

The IG's office had in fact begun looking into his allegations in December 2013 but Foote didn't see the situation improving.

In February 2014, Foote wrote a second time to the inspector general, sending copies to Arizona Sen. John McCain, Arizona Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, and U.S. Attorney John Leonardo.

Only McCain's office got back to him, though Foote did not think it was the kind of response that would bring results. Only when he made contact with Eric Hannel, staff director for a subcommittee of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, did he feel his complaint would be adequately addressed. That's when congressional investigators reporting to Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla., launched their inquiry.

From:  VA Physician Describes How He Became a Whistleblower
By Elliot Jager From NewsMax  Monday, 02 Jun 2014 08:42 AM

The Bureaucratic “Stone Walling” of the VA permeates the entire organization including the vary part of the organization tasked for investigating wrongdoing the VA’s Office of Inspector General. The OIG responding to the 2013 letter from Dr. Sam Foote, failed to find the appointment scheduling problems of Veterans Dieing before they could get an appointment with the Phoenix VA Medical Facility.

The Fix For the VA Management Problem
There is little chance that the sweeping reforms needed to fix the VA will be initiated from within the VA itself because of its systemic management problems.  Therefore I recommend that sweeping VA reforms be implemented by a Congressionally Chartered Veterans Affairs Reform Committee.  This Committee should have the power to bring in outside Consultants to implement the needed reforms. These major reforms to the VA will not be implemented unless the Veterans Affairs Committees take the lead.  See my Article 56. Congressional Veterans Affairs to Tap the GAO to Fix the VA.

The Inspector General Problem
This highlights my observation that all Inspector general offices are not independent but are a part of the Government Bureaucracy to which they are attached and participate in Bureaucratic “Stone Walling”. 

Over the years US Government Bureaucracies have developed means for protecting themselves while appearing to be doing the right thing to the public. Currently all major Departments of the Federal Government have their own Inspector General offices to conduct audits and make reports and recommendations to their specific Department Heads. There are 73 federal offices of inspectors general, a significant increase since the statutory creation of the initial 12 offices by the Inspector General Act of 1978. The offices employ special agents (criminal investigators, often armed) and auditors. In addition, federal offices of inspectors general employ forensic auditors, or "audigators," evaluators, inspectors, administrative investigators, and a variety of other specialists. Their activities include the detection and prevention of fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement of the government programs and operations within their parent organizations. But these are “Self Investigating Organizations” the primary reason that investigations leading to budget cuts seldom occur. See my Article 52.  Establishment of a Government Wide United States Inspector Generals Office.

A problem arises from conflict of interest between a Department's Inspector Generals office and the Department head it reports to, where waste of government funds are concerned and especially where reduced budgets are the result of the Inspector General's recommendations. There appears to be no single organization in the US Federal Government with a free hand for fixing government waste problems leading to reduced budgets and smaller government.

Therefore I am making the following recommendation for the establishment of a United States Inspectors General Office with all Departmental Inspectors Generals reporting directly to and funded by this office and not to their current Department offices.    I further recommend that the Government Accountability Office  (GAO) be the Home for this organization.  The  US Inspector General would report directly to the Comptroller General of the GAO.  All Department Inspector Generals offices will remain in their current locations within each US Government Department.

The Logic for the US Inspector General reporting directly to the Comptroller General of the GAO is found through the special independent relationship of the GAO to Congress and with oversight of the GAO.  This extends Congressional oversight over the Proposed US Inspector Generals Office.  The enhanced powers of the GAO provides for a single organization with the express powers for finding and eliminating Government wrongdoing and Government Waste. A much needed investigative tool for Congress.

The need for Congress to have investigative powers should be obvious.  For example, consider the case of the NSA, listening to millions of American citizen phone calls and claiming falsely in US Senate hearings that they were not doing this.  With Congressional investigative powers through the GAO’s proposed  US Office of Inspector General Congress could have claims made by Whistle Blowers investigated anonymously.  This could have avoided the massive disclosure of US secrets by Edward Snowden. 

A major benefit to the American Taxpayer
The GAO is the most likely independent Agency for  eliminating the waste in government.  Because since 2010 the GAO has been tasked with identifying duplicated government services such as the 345 page document in March 2013 identifying significant duplicated services in our government.  The number of duplicated services makes it impossible for Congress to enact enough laws to fix only but a few of the problems.  Therefore the GAO with my recommendation for a US Office of Inspector General within the GAO must be empowered by Congress to fix waste problems not just identify the waste.  See my Article 50. The Wounded Warrior Government Waste Elimination Project  and Article 51. Legislation for Elimination of Government Waste Leading to Major Reform of the Federal Government

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Article 63. Open letter to Senate & House VA Committees

June12, 2014
To: Senator Bernie Sanders Senate Veterans Affairs Committee and Representative Jeff Miller House Veterans Affairs Committee
From: Lawrence Rosier Principal Consultant

Subject: Implementation of Reforms in the VA organization

With the recent disclosures from the VA Office of the Inspector General there is evidence of a clear failure of the VA in its mission to serve Veterans in their health care needs.  This has been labeled as systemic throughout the VA Health Care bureaucracy.  I suspect that this is an unfair label because parts of the system are doing an excellent job in serving Veterans. 

In my experience I have found that when sweeping reform is necessary in an organization both public and private.  The reforms must be implemented from outside the organization.  Reforms implemented from inside can only be cosmetic in nature due to the massive objection of Management.  This is especially the case for the VA where “Management” failure is the primary problem.  This means that a new Secretary of the Veterans Affairs will have limited success in implementing change and will fail in any attempt to implement sweeping reforms from within the VA.  For more on this visit my website Article 61. Why the Federal Government is Unlikely to fix the VA.

I recommend the implementation of my General Reform Model which uses proven successful tools from business to achieve the following.

Step 1. Implementation of Enterprise Lean (developed by Toyota) uses employee Lean Teams to address the problem of converting a negative cultural work environment into a positive environment and focuses employee attention on improving the systems and processes they are working on.  The results get the highest effectiveness and efficiency possible with continuous improvement.

Step 2. OAG Analysts collect the Lean Team data: the time to do the improved process, who is working on the process, the equipment need for the process.  This data is collected in a spreadsheet and a database.  The results of the data when the entire organization is totaled allows for Right Sizing the organization (reducing over staffed areas and identifying under staffed areas needed to meet Appointment Schedules.  The totaled data also provides an accurate budget for all work processes other than Management and overhead.  For the first time in government we have accurate tools for the management of variable work enabling the balancing of work loads.

Step 3. The conversion of the Bureaucratic organization to a Team Managed organization is really a quite simple process because we already have Lean Teams in place at the lower level and in Management. Many of the lower level teams will be self managed with their leaders being elected by secrete ballot.  How ever many Professional Teams such as doctors with attending nurses are already in place. Top management of the VA Medical Facility would be selected by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

Note that most if not all of the current toxic bureaucratic problems simply disappear with Team Management. With this process we know exactly where staffing increases are needed to meet appointment goals.  Every effort to retrain employees from overstaffed areas to where they are needed will be done.

Funding to implement the general reform model is minimum because most of the work is done by current employees.  The entire implementation is under the direct supervision of myself as an independent Consultant.  Training support will be required from professional Enterprise Lean trainers.

The Fix For the VA Management Problem
There is little chance that the sweeping reforms needed to fix the VA will be initiated from within the VA itself because of its systemic management problems.  Therefore I recommend that sweeping VA reforms be implemented by a Congressionally Chartered Veterans Affairs Reform Committee.  This Committee should have the power to bring in outside Consultants to implement the needed reforms. These major reforms to the VA will not be implemented unless the Veterans Affairs Committees take the lead.  See my Article 56. Congressional Veterans Affairs to Tap the GAO to Fix the VA.

I propose that a pilot implementation be made at the Phoenix VA Medical Facility where OIG Analysts will receive on-the-job training in the Implementation of my General Reform Model.  The OIG Analysts will have the capability to implement the General Reform Model in other VA Medical Facilities.  For more details of the Proposal visit my website: Article 62.  Fixing the VA Now with New Disclosures.

The urgency of meeting the health care needs of our Veterans and the VA’s lack of expertise in the area of accurately determining work loads and staffing requirements has the high probability of continued failure of the VA in serving our Veterans.

Since the Federal Government does not recognize proposed Consulting Agreements such as mine legislation will be necessary to make this proposal a reality.

Lawrence Rosier Principal Consultant  573 364 8789  cell 573 578 4716
12143 Cedar Grove Rd. Rolla, Missouri 65401 email:
Educational website:

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Article 62.  Fixing the VA Now with New Disclosures

Highlights of the VA Audit Findings Released June 9, 2014
Now with results of audits taken in 731 VA Medical facilities by the Inspector Generals Office throughout the VA the following discoveries were made:

1.  57,000 Veterans waiting 90 days or more for first      appointments
2.  64,000 Never had appointments scheduled after registering and requesting medical care
3.  Thirteen percent of Schedulers say supervisors asked them to falsify appointment schedules
4.  The 14 Day target wait times “not attainable”

From PBS NEWS Hour  Gwen Ifill Interview with Ralph Ibson and Dr. Sam Foote.

My Approach to fixing the VA Now

The solution of the VA problems should be seen as a short term solution to immediately serve the Veterans who have waited for appointments and in a long term solution making a final implementation of reforms that changes the culture and makes the entire VA system effective and efficient.  This will require Congress to enact Legislation for outside contractors to implement the reforms.

The Short Term Approach for all VA Medical Facilities

1. Make sure all Vets Who want an appointment are added to the electronic appointment Schedule.

2. Make a detailed assessment of each patient’s medical needs to determine where and by how much the VA Medical Facility will be impacted. 

For example at the Phoenix VA Medical Facility I recommended a mass screening of the 1700 new patients entered into the system with patient interviews and blood tests.  By reviewing 100 patients a day the task of finding what the patients health care needs are can be completed in a month.  

3. VA leaders who have compromised the VA scheduling system should be removed or disciplined before mass hiring of needed staff is initiated.

4. The OIG Analysts and others in the VA can now make estimates of where staffing is needed and begin the hiring process.

 5. If a VA Medical facility can not meet staffing requirements for Patient Appointment standards then the following immediate steps to correct the problem may be put in place.

(a).  Retrain nursing staff from other over staffed areas if possible to fill some of the requirements.  This is beyond the current capability of OIG auditors.
(b).  Hirer nursing and doctors as quickly as possible.
(c).  Allow Vets with critical needs such as cancer patients to go to private Medical facilities at government expense.

Special Implementation of Lean at Phoenix Facility

The Initial Implementation of employee Lean Teams at the Phoenix Medical Facility is followed by collection of Lean Team data.

Those areas identified as needing increased staffing at the Phoenix Medical Facility will be addressed first.  This is a preliminary start by finding through employee Lean Teams as quickly as possible where exactly increased staffing is needed and the level of staffing that should to be hired to meet appointment standards. The data for increased staffing at the Phoenix Medical Facility can be replicated in all VA facilities.

The Approach:
A. Identify all systems processes affected by increased patient loads from the mass screening and establish an employee Lean Team for each set of processes.  Empower Lean Teams (Preceding the long term Enterprise Lean implementation) to come up with the most effective and efficient approach for doing the process.  This approach will also identifies the needed equipment and machines to be purchased by the Phoenix VA.  In doing this approach the Team will have also determined the time for doing the entire set of processes and the staffing required.
As Principal Consultant I will take the lead in this endeavor with the help of OIG Analysts.  Informal training in Lean is provided by myself and the trained OIG Analysts for the employee Lean Teams. To understand how the process works to get the maximum patient throughput see Article 55. Obtaining Maximum   Patient Throughput with The Highest Effectiveness.

B. The time for doing the processes developed by the employee Lean Teams will be added to the time for each and every system affected by patient impact in a particular area within the Phoenix VA medical Facility.  The required staffing can not only be determined for the Phoenix Medical Facility but the data can be used in all VA medical facilities to arrive at staffing requirements calculated to meet any patient appointment standard.

Long Term implementation in all VA Health Care Facilities

The long term approach begins with the full implementation of my General Reform Model in the Phoenix VA Medical Facility.  The implementation is primarily a training mission for preparing OIG Analysts to replicate the reforms in the entire VA health care system.  It is step by step process beginning with Part 1. the implementation of Enterprise Lean throughout the entire Phoenix Facility and in all other VA Health Care Facilities.  After OIG Analysts have been trained at the Phoenix Facility they will be able to implement the remaining Parts of the General Reform Model in all VA Medical Facilities.

Implementation of the General Reform Model at all VA Facilities

Part 1. Implement Enterprise Lean in all VA Medical Facilities

I recommend the mass implementation of Enterprise Lean in every VA Medical Facility in the US.  The reason for doing this is that it brings a culture change in the VA employee environment converting the current negative toxic bureaucratic environment to a positive productive environment and focuses employee attention on serving Veterans health needs with effectiveness and efficiency.  Enterprise Lean is proven industry method developed by Toyota and is the initial step in my General Reform Model.

The General Reform Model: Empowers VA Employees through Lean Teams(Enterprise Lean); determines the actual cost and staffing required to meet appointment standards; changes the current Bureaucratic management to a Team Managed organization; and identifies  incompetent management.

This is a low cost solution available now which can yield results in the Phoenix VA Medical Facility within three months with full implementation within six months to a year.  The process develops the management data that can be replicated in all VA Medical Facilities. 

Implementation of Reforms at the Phoenix VA Medical Facility
The VA Inspector General will also have oversight of this part of the Agreement.  The Principal Consultant Lawrence Rosier will manage and have complete control of the implementation of the General Reform Model at the Phoenix Medical Facility separate from investigations conducted by the OIG. He will also train and supervise VA Analysts provided by the Inspector General‘s office according to this Agreement.  The Principal Consultant will be able at his discretion to identify and remove incompetent management and reduce redundant management and staff where required at the Phoenix Medical Facility.  He will recommend retraining of redundant employees to fill needed positions where possible.  The OIG representative at the Phoenix Medical Facility shall have the authority and responsibility to hire new personnel to fill vacancies identified by the Lean Data work Load.

Selection of VA Analysts for Training at the Phoenix Facility
The Principal Consultant will participate with the Inspector General in the selection of VA Analysts to receive training in Lean.  Policies and procedures for the analysts will be developed jointly by the VA and the Principal Consultant.  Specialized training in Lean for all VA Analysts by a certified Lean instructor is recommended at VA expense.

Training in Specific Technologies Provided by the Principal Consultant:
The development of a Pedagogy for class room instruction of VA Analysts in special technologies by the Principal Consultant.  VA Analysts selected for this Agreement will receive an overview of the reform models with classroom training in the following supporting skills and on the job training during the implementation of the reform models.
 1.  Team Management-  by the Principal consultant
 2.  Enterprise Lean-  by the Principal Consultant
 3.  Variable Function Analysis-  by the Principal consultant
 4.  Time studies (a necessary basic skill)- by the Principal consultant
 5.   Statistical Sampling-  by the Principal consultant
 6.  Right-Sizing (makes sure all employees have a full time job)- by the Principal consultant
 7.  Bottoms-up budgeting-  by the Principal consultant
 8.  Staffing-  by the Principal consultant
 9.  Workload Balancing (management of the work flow)- by the Principal consultant   
10.  Short Interval Scheduling-  by the Principal consultant
11. Operation Sequence Charts-  by the Principal consultant
12.  Productivity Reporting Techniques-  by the Principal consultant
13. Effectiveness Evaluation Team training-  by the Principal consultant

The main Goal is to provide a demonstration of the full implementation of the General Reform Model at the Phoenix VA Hospital fixing Identified problems and getting the highest efficiency and effectiveness possible.  The method empowers VA employees in the new organization through Lean Teams involving them in work process decisions and continuous improvement to their jobs.

A second Goal; is to balance the work load primarily through retraining current employees and by hiring needed staffing to meet desired service levels and laying off of redundant employees including management staff.

A third Goal; is the collection of Lean Team management data into a universal database of management standards with the highest effectiveness and efficiency that can be applied in all VA hospitals.  The Database is open by approval for continuous improvement.

A fourth Goal; of the implementation is to strengthen the VA Budgeting process by providing transparency of the Functional activities of the new organization to the VA budget leaders enabling them to control budgets through the knowledge of the correct Functional staffing and its budget.  

A fifth Goal;  the Principal Consultant will be able at his discretion to suggest replacement of incompetent management including adding and reducing staff where required to balance work loads at the Phoenix Medical Facilities. The VA will be responsible for hiring all management and staff.

The General Reform Model at the Phoenix Facility:
The General Reform Model  begins with the implementation Enterprise Lean throughout the Phoenix Medical Facility involving nearly all employees tasked to make all functional systems efficient and effective.  To get the highest efficiency and effectiveness possible we will use the data developed by the employee Functional Lean Teams.  The lean data will be collected and documented by VA Analysts in a spreadsheet program. When all of the data for the entire Agency has been collected it will be used to Right-Size the organization making sure all personnel have a full time job.  The employee Lean Team data will also be used for staffing and to develop bottoms-up budgets which identify the actual costs of a systems functions.  This is also the data needed to manage an organization’s work by balancing its work load.   The lean data will also be used to determine the staffing required to meet patient appointment requirements.

Phase 1. The VA Inspector General's Office will have Oversight of this Agreement for the implementation of the General Reform Model and will provide VA Analysts that have received classroom training to assist in the implementation of the General Reform Model.  The VA Analysts will become Facilitators for the implementation of Enterprise Lean as required until it has been implemented in its entirety throughout the Phoenix Medical Facility.

When the implementation of enterprise Lean has been completed the VA Analysts will collect the Lean Data in spreadsheets from all of the Agencies Functions. The Lean data will then be used to Right-Size the Agency (making sure that all employees have a full time Job) followed by staffing and Bottoms-up Budgeting.  The VA will maintain the new Bottoms-up Budget databases.  The Agency’s budget databases may be stored in cloud storage at little or no cost.

Phase 2. The Training and Organization of Employee Enterprise Lean Teams
The Principal Consultant recommends that an Enterprise Lean Training specialist be brought in from a local University to Kick off the implementation with training seminars for the Agency‘s employees.  Lean training should begin immediately by the Agency’s training staff.  I suggest that the normal training curriculum for the Agency be suspended and an all out effort be made for Enterprise Lean Training.  Training should be made first for staff members followed by management, Lean Facilitators (VA Analysts) and general employees.

Management Lean Teams
There are two major Lean Team groups, high level Management Lean Teams (which will become Steering Teams) and at-the-work-place employee Functional Lean Teams.   Management Lean Teams are organized and lead by members of management.   They are tasked to study individual high level systems within the VA and those that interact with other VA facilities mostly document flows.  A key element of the High level Lean Teams is their role in management when converting from the bureaucratic organization to the Team Managed organization.

Phase 3.  Review of Lean Team Results and Collection of Lean Data
After a period of about two months most Functional Lean Teams, those that were organized and trained by VA Analyst Facilitators, should have their Value Stream Analyses completed.   I have had success with doing the flow of the current method on long white butcher or brown wrapping paper tapped around a conference room on the walls.  The steps of the current method is completed first followed by the proposed improved method done directly under it.  This is done to highlight the differences between the two methods.  I suggest that some Functional Lean Teams with significant savings present their improved method to management.   After the presentation the rolled document is given to a VA Analyst to document the savings from the proposal in a spreadsheet.  

Phase 4. Activities of the Principal Consultant
The Principal Consultant will play a key role in being sure that the employee Lean teams are properly trained and in the selection and approach of the high level Lean Teams.  The Principal Consultant will insure that the activities of VA Analysts can determine the correct staffing level through Work Measurement and any expenses needed during the process.  Some VA Analysts may find the proper staffing for variable processes difficult to determine, the Principal Consultant will make this determination when necessary. This data combined with the number of occurrences of the function over time, obtained from a daily log kept by each Lean Team, provides the basis for an accurate functional budget.  The Lean data from the documentation will be kept on a spreadsheet by the VA Analysts and summarized in a database where all of the Agency’s functional data is stored.  The activities of VA  Analysts are important and will be followed closely by the Principal Consultant.

Details of the Data Collection and Reform Process
The technical reform process begins after the decision to implement Enterprise Lean and after the functional Lean teams have completed their Value Stream Mapping (VSM) studies.  The important data that is necessary for reform is the functional cost data developed by the Functional Lean Teams from their individual functions.  The data will be collected in electronic tablets  using a spreadsheet program specifically designed for this process.  All tablet spread sheets will be continuously updated using a special Google App (application).  The Principal Consultant will provide on the job training of VA Analysts in the collection of this data and all subsequent reform steps.

Lean Team Data that is collected and allowed to accumulate
The following steps show how the Lean Team Data is collected and allowed to accumulate in the spreadsheet program and how the summarized data is used.  This approach to reform meets all of the VA’s criteria for an Agency: efficient, effective, ethical, equitable and responsive .

1. The VSM (Value Stream Mapping) for each function will be documented in the spreadsheet.

2. All labor and expense cost data will be documented and allowed to accumulate as functions are added to the spreadsheet until all of the Agency’s functions have been accounted for.

3. The names of the employees working on the function will be documented with any special expertise they are using in performing the function.  Each employee’s labor hours expended in doing the function will be documented and allowed to accumulate.  This data will be used during the Right-Sizing process.

4. Where there is interaction between several employees during the performance of the function as a part of the VSM a work load balancing chart will be a part of the documentation.  This work load chart can be used later to balance the function’s work load.

5. When all of an Agencies Functions have been logged into the spread sheet the final labor hours and expense numbers will have been automatically tallied in the spread sheet along with the total hours worked by each employee in the particular function.

6. A key question asked of employees is the estimate for the number of times that the function is done per week and recorded in the spread sheet.   This number is authenticated by history and other knowledgeable personnel including the enumeration of purchased goods consumed by the function.

7. The total annual accumulated functional hours is at 100% productivity and must be converted to provide a realistic number at 75% productivity.  To make this conversion you will add 25% more time to the total or multiply the total time by 125%.   This becomes the labor hours for staffing and budgeting and is what is referred to as a Gross Load among consultants.  When all of the Agency’s functional labor hours have been accumulated at 125%  and we add in the total annual expenses we have what I call a Bottoms-up Functional Budget.

8. Next we want to compare the Bottoms-up Budget with the current Top-Down Agency Budget.  To do this we remove all management and overhead expenditures from the Agency’s Top-Down Budget to obtain an equal expenditure.  Then we compare the Bottoms-up Budget with the Top-Down Budget.  The Bottoms-up Budget should be 20% or more less than the Top-Down Budget.  If this is not the case then we have introduced an error more than likely in the number of times that a Function is being performed annually.  This should be resolved by reviewing the Lean data in the Agency’s spreadsheet.

9.  We can now do Right-Sizing using the employee accumulated Lean data from the spreadsheet.  As a rule of thumb the employee accumulated hours is separated between those who have accumulated more than 20 hours per week average and those who have accumulated less than 20 hours per week.  Those who have accumulated less than 20 hours per week are considered to be redundant and slated for layoff.   Their accumulated hours are spread among those with more than 20 hours per week increasing their hours to at least 37 hours per week.  This involves reviewing each function and reassigning tasks to employees according to their capability and availability.

10. We now need to review the spreadsheet for those jobs noted as occurring on a random basis.  These special jobs need to be separated form those jobs that occur on a continuing basis.  An individual employee is specially trained to do the job of Work Planning, forecasting scheduling these jobs on a weekly basis.

11. The spreadsheets are stored on thumb drives for each Agency and protected.  The labor data for each function is stored in a Database at 100% to be used for calculating productivity where required.  The Database also includes the staffing and bottoms-up budgeting data.  I recommend that the data be protected by an independent organization such as the VA.  This allows availability of the data for all who want to review the actual labor and expense cost of an Agency function including the Agency’s Bottoms-up Budget.

Phase 5. Organization Reform
In the final step of the General Reform Model the Principal Consultant will begin the process of organizational reform by replacing the Bureaucratic organization with a Team Management organization with top management managing the Agency’s activities through Group Teams with each managing several Functional Teams.  The Lean Teams at the Functional level will become self managed Functional Teams with each of their elected leaders reporting directly to a Group Managed team.  Group Managed Teams will assume their management role from the pre-organized high level Lean Teams.

There is some flexibility in how this process actually occurs but it is necessary in order to eliminate the problems caused by the Bureaucratic organization.

This is also the period of time for the reduction of redundant of management and staff.  To attain a balanced work load is the primary objective where retraining employees to fill needed vacancies is pursued. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Article 61. Why the Federal Government is Unlikely to fix the VA

The government has known about the shortcomings of the VA for thirty years and has done little to fix its problems.  Now with the alleged deaths of 40 Vets in Phoenix the public has demanded that the VA be fixed.  The VA OIG is scrambling to get to the bottom of what they think is the “problem” fixing the VA appointment schedule.  The reason for their attention is that this is what the public is focused on and as soon as the appointment schedule problem is solved then the public will forget about all the VA’s other problems.

But the question that needs to be answered is “What about the other problems the thousands of, what the VA has determined to be minor problems affecting individual Vets”.  The VA is a toxic bureaucracy that has systemic problems.  It is like a hot potato which gets passed from Congress to the President to the VA and back again with little progress.

The Main False Assumption by our government Leaders

The main false assumption by our government Leaders is that only the VA can fix its problems. The standard solution is to find the right leader of the VA to implement reforms.  But this ignores the fact that nearly the entire VA bureaucratic management is against reform.  This is the vary management at VA Facilities that must implement the reforms proposed by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs reforms that are either ignored or are very slow to be implemented.  The truth is that no organization's management, private or public will voluntarily undergo major reforms.  Nor will they voluntarily accept reform from outside their organization. But to bring true reform to the VA it must be done from the outside.

Definition of the VA’s Problem:
The major problem within the VA is it’s Bureaucratic Management.

This does not imply that all of the VAs Management need to be replaced many are excellent managers but simply The Bureaucratic environment entraps all of the VA's managers.
This is why Systemic Bureaucracies such as the VA will not reform themselves leaving but one option the reform must come from outside the organization.

Therefore my proposal to the Senate Veterans Affairs and the House Veterans Affairs Committees for a Consulting Agreement.  This proposal can only be accepted by the VA Committees by enacting legislation.  Because the Federal Government does not accept proposals from the public by its vendor laws.  Listed Vendors cannot make originating proposals to the Federal Government they can only make proposals to calls for proposals from government agencies.  Simply put an agency is most unlikely to call for proposals from outside Consultants to reform itself.
But this can be turned around if congress passes legislation allowing outside contractors to implement reforms in the VA.
See my Article 56. Congressional Veterans Affairs to Tap the GAO to Fix the VA

The Proposed Consulting Agreement Cover Letter:
Lawrence Rosier & Associates
Management Consultants Government Reform
12143 Cedar Grove Rd. Rolla, Missouri 65401
Phone (573) 364-8789  Cell (573) 578-4716

Cover Letter  May 28, 2014
To: Chairman Bernie Sanders,  Richard Burr Senate Veterans Affairs Committee and
Chairman Jeff Miller, Mike Michaud House Veterans Affairs Committee

From: Lawrence Rosier Principal Consultant Government Reform

Subject:  Example Consulting Agreement Addressing VA Hospital Reform

I am proposing a major breakthrough solution in government reform using VA Hospital employees to implement Enterprise Lean, originally developed by the Toyota Corp. This is the first step of my General Reform Model which leads to the highest possible effective and efficient organization, develops the data needed to manage, adjusts staffing levels to meet public appointment requirements and replaces the Bureaucratic organization structure with a Team Management organization.  The Lean Team data is collected in a Database of Management Standards to be made available to all VA hospitals.

I recommend that the Senate and the House Veterans Affairs Committees have joint oversight of this Agreement with the GAO contracting with Lawrence Rosier & Associates to implement the agreement at the Phoenix VA Hospital Facility.  The Principal Consultant will manage the implementation of the General Reform Model at the Client VA Phoenix facilities. The VA Inspector General’s Office will supply from Five to Ten VA Analysts who will be trained and lead by the Principal Consultant during this Agreement.  The VA Analysts are expected to replicate VA Phoenix reforms in other VA facilities after this Consulting Agreement has been completed.

My proposal as an independent Consultant makes the necessary changes that the current VA management Can not or Will not do.  The proposal: empowers VA Employees through Lean Teams; changes the current Bureaucratic management to a Team Managed organization;  determines the actual cost and staffing required to meet appointment standards; replaces incompetent and corrupt managers; and provides for cultural change that protects employees.  Legislation may be necessary to implement this proposal.  The Consulting Agreement is expected to achieve successful returns within three months and will be completed within six months to one year.   This is a demonstration of a permanent fix for VA problems.

Suggested Approach after approval of the Consulting Agreement by Senate and House Veterans Affairs Committees and the GAO’s contracting with Lawrence Rosier & Associates.

I. The Principal Consultant will arrive the Client's Phoenix VA Committees facilities June 23, 2014 (or an agreed upon date) to begin organizing for the implementation of the General Reform Model.  Preliminary planning will be coordinated with the VA’s current Management.  The Inspector General's VA Analysts should arrive on the same date and will be briefed with an overview their role in the implementation of the General Reform Model.

2. The reform begins with the implementation of Enterprise Lean with all employees of the Phoenix VA hospital being trained in the Lean process.  It organizes employees in to Lean Teams and empowers them to find to the most effective way to do their jobs with an analysis of each process of the system they are working on.

3. During the above steps the Principal Consultant will be training and leading VA Analysts in making the implementation of the General Reform Model at the Phoenix VA Hospital.  The implementation is expected bring changes to the processes done within the hospital and to its bureaucracy by implementing Team Management.

Please Review the following Example Consulting Agreement.  The document is intended to be used to promote understanding and to start discussion on consulting activities and not as a final document.

Kindest Regards
Lawrence Rosier Principal Consultant

For the Proposal for a Consulting Agreement (less boiler plate) see my Article 56. Congressional Veterans Affairs to Tap the GAO to Fix the VA

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Article 60. The Chances of reforming VA Medical Facilitates- ZERO Percent

Where we stand in the probability of fixing VA health care problems.
1.The chances of  the VA correcting Patient Scheduling problems and making sure all Vets who desire health care are entered into the VA’s appointment system  - 100 %.

2.The chances of the VA providing the increased health care required by the added enrollment of Vets using current methods -25%. 
OIG Auditors are good at finding and correcting problems in the handling of funds from fraud and mismanagement.  But what also is needed is the means to determine the most effective and efficient use of personnel.  They have ignored the fact that wasted man hours is also wasted funds.  The best a tool for getting the highest efficiency and effectiveness in an entire organization was developed by Toyota "Enterprise lean".

3.The chances of finding a Secretary of the Veterans Affairs that is willing to make changes to the VA -100%. 
President Obama should not have any difficulties in find a new Secretary of the VA with a willingness to fix VA problems.

4. The chances of a Secretary of the Veterans Affairs using current internal VA methods can implement the sweeping change needed in the VA -0%. But this can be turned around by congress passing legislation for outside Consulting Contractors to reform the VA.

What is most likely to happen is plenty of good intentions with the same old results of only minor improvements in a vast healthcare system which will remain in need of massive reform. This is story for nearly every  Secretary of Veterans Affairs that has taken office in the last 30 years.  The dismal record of those with great expectations speaks for itself.

From the Veterans Health Administration Interim Report:
The issues identified in current allegations are not new. Since 2005, the VA Office of Inspector General (OIG) has issued 18 reports that identified, at both the national and local levels, deficiencies in scheduling resulting in lengthy waiting times and the negative impact on patient care. As required by the Inspector General Act of 1978, each of the reports listed was issued  to the VA Secretary and the Congress and is publicly available on the VA OIG website.

Why Attempts at Fixing the VA have Failed
The primary reason for failure to fix the VA is that the federal government has never had the proper tools needed to fix systemic toxic bureaucracies.  The Office of Inspector General is an audit organization which investigates misuse of funds through fraud and mismanagement. They are primarily interested in where funds are being expended either through fraud and mismanagement.  Their primary task is in identifying where the money went.  But that is only part of the problem waste in government also includes wasted labor man hours but no one in government is charged with the task of determining how much loss is there in inefficiency and gross mismanagement there is in over-staffing.  All OIGs are auditors and do not have the expertise to deal with labor hours.  The simple truth is that Bureaucracies are not required to know how many man hours it takes to do each job or set of processes with in the organization.  This is the basic requirement for management in industry and exists in very few places in government.

A contributing factor to the problems in the VA is the result of a bureaucracy serving Veterans who have no other choice but the VA health Care system.  Therefore the VA health Care System does not have to care about its patients in fact the fewer they serve the easier it is for them.  The VA health Care System represents the worst case scenario for providing patient needs.

The primary reason for failure in making reforms is that each new secretary of the VA relies on his own organization for making internal reforms.  The problem with this is his own internal organization does not welcome change and will fight reforms. The result is that almost nothing gets done but just enough to suggest that the secretary has been successful in implementing change however minor it is.  The fact is that most bureaucracies cannot be reformed from the inside but must reformed by an outside organization.  The proven axiom BUREAUCRATIC ORGANIZATIONS DO NOT REFORM THEMSELVES has not been understood by most government leaders.  The Veterans Administration  health care has been under serving our Veterans for years while no one seams to have a clue as to how to fix the problems.

My Approach for Fixing current VA Problems
This is accomplished by implementing my General Reform Model starting with the implementation of Enterprise Lean through out the Phoenix Medical Facility.   The reason this is done is to transform the toxic bureaucratic environment into a positive culture focused on employees doing their jobs in serving the Vets.  To accomplish this I will train VA OIG Analysts in the skills and approach needed to make the reforms in the VA. With these skills the OIG Analysts can implement reforms in the whole of the VA.

Implementation of Enterprise Lean
The implementation begins by organizing nearly all VA employees into Lean Teams and training them to find the most effective and efficient way to do their jobs.   The process fixes all of the systems to get the highest effectiveness and efficiency possible. Once this is done we will collect the Lean data from each Lean Team which will give us process times for every operation in the facility. Now we have the management data for staffing all operations. From this we can calculate exactly how many staff members and what expertise are needed to meet patient appointment standards (14 days).

This is followed by the final step the transformation of the toxic bureaucratic organization to a Team Managed organization.   The process of implementing Team Management will expose and eliminate incompetent and corrupt management.

Why is this Necessary
As Stated above Bureaucratic organizations do not reform themselves.  My proposal as an independent consultant makes the necessary sweeping changes in the VA that the current VA management can not do.  This is a low cost solution available now which can yield results in three months with full implementation within six months to a year at the Phoenix VA Medical Facility.  It permanently fixes VA problems and develops management data that can be applied in all VA hospitals.  

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Article 59. OIG Response Team Fixes for the VA

The VA Office of Inspector General (OIG) has dispatched some 42 Response Teams to various VA Medical Facilities.  Their primary direction was to assess Patient appointment times by identifying secret lists of veterans waiting to be admitted to the VA Medical facility. Their objective is to make sure all veterans are listed in the VA electronic Schedule for admissions.

My approach in quickly solving this problem
1. Make sure all Vets Who want an appointment are added to the electronic appointment Schedule.

2. Make a detailed assessment of each patient’s medical needs to determine where and by how much the VA Medical Facility will be impacted.  I recommend a mass screening of the 1700 new patients with interviews and blood tests.  By reviewing 100 patients a day the task of finding what the patients health care needs are can be completed in a month.  The impact on the Medical Facility will be an estimate because more precise numbers are beyond the expertise of the OIG Team.

3. For the Identification of exactly where the VA hospital is going to be impacted with the required increased staffing I recommend the following approach.

    A. Identify all systems processes affected by increased patient loads from the mass screening and establish an employee Lean Team for each set of processes.  Empower the Lean Team to come up with the most effective and efficient approach for doing the process.  This approach will also identify the need for equipment and machines to be purchased by the VA.  In doing this approach the Team will have also determined the time for doing the entire set of processes.

As Principal Consultant I will take the lead in this endeavor with the help of OIG Analysts.  Formal training in Lean is not needed for employees and will cause unnecessary delay.  To understand how the process works to get the maximum patient throughput see Article 55. Obtaining Maximum Patient Throughput with The Highest Effectiveness. 

    B. The time for doing the processes will be added to the time for each and every system affected by patient impact in a particular area within the VA medical Facility.  The required staffing can now be calculated to meet the Patient Appointment Standard (14 days).

    C. If the VA Medical facility can not meet staffing requirements for Patient Appointment standards then the following immediate steps to correct the problem may be put in place.
        (a).  Retrain nursing staff from other areas to fill the requirement.
        (b).  Hirer nursing and doctors as quickly as possible.
        (c).  Allow Vets with critical needs such as cancer patients to go to private Medical facilities at government expense.

This quick solution approach can be followed by reforms initiated by my General Reform Model which will begin with the implementation of Enterprise Lean throughout the entire Facility. See Article 56. Congressional Veterans Affairs to Tap the GAO to Fix the VA. (at the Phoenix VA Medical Facility).

The approach uses proven industry methods such as Enterprise Lean developed by Toyota bundled in the General Reform Model.  The General Reform Model: empowers VA Employees through Lean Teams; determines the actual cost and staffing required to meet appointment standards; changes the current Bureaucratic management to a Team Managed organization; and replaces incompetent and corrupt managers.

This is a low cost solution available now which can yield results in the Phoenix VA Hospital within three months with full implementation within six months to a year.  The process develops management data that can be applied in all VA hospitals with cultural changes that can be replicated in all VA Hospitals permanently fixing VA problems.