Sunday, March 16, 2014

Article 50. The Wounded Warrior Government Waste Elimination Project

This proposal was rejected by the GAO, reason not needed at this time. It would have trained Wounded Warriors using Lean Six Sigma and Reform Models to eliminate government waste.  Possible Savings $100 Billion.

The Wounded Warrior Government Waste Elimination Project was developed by:
Lawrence Rosier Principal Consultant-government reform cell 573 578 4716

The Objective:
To eliminate the estimated more than $100 Billion in annual Government Waste (Newt Gingrich's Estimate) with specially trained Wounded Warriors using new innovative efficiency and effectiveness tools.

The Plan:
To develop and train Wounded Warriors as Analysts to be employed by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) in the elimination of Federal Government waste.

A key element which must be overcome is the expansion of the GAO's mandate making it proactive in not only identifying government waste but in actively eliminating it. Congress should  act to make the project a reality. 

The project would begin modestly as a demonstration to fine tune the approach using reform models developed by Lawrence Rosier Principal Consultant. The first model, the “Consolidation Model” is to be applied to the elimination of duplicated government services identified by the Government Accountability Office (GAO).  This is followed by the demonstration of the “General Reform Model” to be applied to a selected Agency to get the highest efficiency and effectiveness possible.

Beginning with as few as ten Wounded Warriors trained as Lean Six Sigma Analysts upon reaching the Green Belt level of proficiency qualify to enter the project as government employees of the GAO.  The next step is the assignment of the Analysts to Lawrence Rosier Principal Consultant for class room training in the special skills needed in the successful application of the reform Models.  This is followed by on-the-job training in the actual application of the reform models.

The successful demonstration of this approach will be followed by a second group of Wounded Warriors and the process of training repeated.  This done until an optimum number of Wounded Warrior Analysts have been trained and are active in the elimination of government waste.

With thousands of instances of government waste to be fixed the Wounded Warrior Analysts will eventually be operating as internal government Consultants saving the US tax payers by some estimates $100 billion annually.

Training in Specific Technologies Provided by the Principal Consultant:
GAO Wounded Warrior Analysts will receive class room training as well as  on the job training in the following Innovative Technologies:
 1.  Lean Six Sigma-  by a certified Lean trainer (provided by the DoD) This is required to enter the Project.
 2.  Enterprise Lean-  by the Principal Consultant
 3.  Variable Function Analysis-  by the Principal consultant
 4.  Time studies,  a necessary basic skill- by the Principal consultant
 5.   Statistical Sampling-  by the Principal consultant
 6.  Right-Sizing (makes sure all employees have a full time job)- by the Principal consultant
 7.  Bottoms-up budgeting-  by the Principal consultant
 8.  Staffing-  by the Principal consultant
 9.  Workload Balancing (management of the work flow)- by the Principal consultant 
10.  Short Interval Scheduling-  by the Principal consultant
11. Operation Sequence Charts-  by the Principal consultant
12.  Productivity Reporting Techniques-  by the Principal consultant
13. Team Management-  by the Principal consultant
14.  Effectiveness Test-  by the Principal consultant

The Consolidation Model:
The implementation of Lawrence Rosier’s "Consolidation Model" is a method of approach that is general enough to be applied to most situations in government requiring consolidation.  Either current GAO Analysts or wounded Warrior Analysts can apply the Effectiveness Test to a duplicated government service.  Duplicated services proven Effective by passing the Effectiveness Test are evaluated by Wounded Warrior Analysts for efficiency.  The resulting most efficient Services are moved to new streamlined organization. 

The General Reform Model:
The "General Reform Model" uses Enterprise Lean to Right-Size the organization getting the highest efficiency possible while improving the effectiveness of the organization. It uses the Lean study data for Work Measurement to determine the proper staffing and budgeting.  The method trains the organization’s managers in Enterprise Lean forming teams to do high level studies. All Functional employees are trained in Lean forming Self-Managed Lean Teams to study each of their functions.   After the Teams have gained in sufficient skill level the bureaucratic organization is replaced by a Team Management organization.  The Method empowers employees to make continuous improvements to the Organization’s operations.  The method reforms the Organization while improving employee morale.

Please Review the following Articles on my Educational website:
Article 1. The Effectiveness and Efficiency of Lean Six Sigma and Enterprise Lean
Article 19. Lean Six Sigma Is in the Army Now, Improving Efficiency
Article 20. Time for the GAO to Assume its Role in Reforming the Federal Government
Article 23. Proposal to GAO for Pilot implementation of General Reform Model
Article 34. DOD Should Implement Enterprise Lean NOW!
Article 48. Consolidation of Government Duplicated Services
Article 49. The Effectiveness Test, a Tool for Reforming Government

For more information on this project contact:
Lawrence Rosier Principal Management Consultant
12143 Cedar Grove Rd. Rolla, Mo.65401 cell 573 578 4716

Monday, March 3, 2014

Article 49. The Effectiveness Test, a Tool for Reforming Government

The Effectiveness Test is a formalized tool to be applied by the US Office of Inspector General (Newly appointed USOIG) for determining the value added benefits of a government service or product supplied by an Agency of the Government in meeting its budgeted obligations. Failure to meet the Effectiveness Test authorizes the OIG to pursue a number of solutions to rectify the effectiveness failures of an Agency.  Proof of effectiveness compliance is the responsibility of the budgeted Agency.

Solutions for Rectifying Effectiveness Deficiencies
If no effectiveness proof can be found and the OIG Analysts determine that the suspect service or product does not meet acceptable quality and value with results warranting its budget expenditure, the OIG may pursue the following options:

1. Determine if the service or product is actually needed if not then the entire operation including the removal of the budget is pursued resulting in the immediate reassignment or layoff of personnel who provided the service or product.

2. If the service or product is found to be needed the OIG may enforce changes in the way the service is provided on the existing Agency or move the suspect service or product to another Agency with effectiveness and efficiency obligations fully enforced by the OIG.

Application of the Effectiveness Test
All that is required is for the OIG to have evidence that the suspect agency is not meeting its effectiveness obligations for the OIG to go into a proactive mode to investigate further not requiring a bill before congress to authorize the investigation.  The intent is to authorize the OIG to investigate and fix the thousands of ineffective activities found in the Federal government without waiting for the high profile requirement for Congress to enact into law the OIG’s activities.

An Example: The investigation and solution of Duplicated government Services

The Consolidation Model by Lawrence Rosier Principal Consultant
The Consolidation Model empowers the OIG to efficiently investigate and fix government duplicated services.  The beneficial efficiencies comes from the early elimination of ineffective duplicated services by the application of the Effectiveness Test.  Only if the duplicated service passes the Effectiveness Test can the service be considered for further analysis of the efficiency of its operations.

Activities of the OIG Consolidation Committee:

Step 1. Proposed Formation of a OIG Consolidation Committee
The proposed Consolidation Committee will have broad powers to lead and implement consolidation of duplicated government services.  This is necessary for legitimacy and to make sure that the consolidation of duplicated services are evaluated for effectiveness and efficiency.  The Principal Consultant will report to the Consolidation Committee and will train and lead OIG Lean Teams in the documentation of duplicated services and the efficiency of the final Agency.

Step 2. The Consolidation Committee will request the name of a management representative for duplicated services in each Agency where duplication occurs. The representative will provide: the budget for the duplicated service, the customer names of those receiving the service and a flow chart of the activities for doing the service and other documentation as deemed necessary.

Step 3. A OIG Effectiveness Evaluation Team will review the data submitted by the duplicating service Agency for the Effectiveness of the service to the Agency's customers.  If its customers are not satisfied with the services provided by the duplicating Agency it fails to pass the Effectiveness Test.  If the Effectiveness test is inconclusive the OIG Effectiveness Evaluation Teams may visit the Agency providing the duplicated services for further evaluation.  Agencies who fail the Effectiveness Test will have their budgets cut for this service and employees reassigned or laid off.

Step 4. OIG Lean Team documentation of Efficiency
When a duplicating service Agency passes the Effectiveness Test a OIG Lean Team lead by the Principal Consultant is dispatched to the Agency to Document the current process of the duplicated service and the efficient Lean process. The object is to verify actual cost data to enable the process of deciding what to do with the function.  The most efficient duplicated necessary functions shall be moved to a new agency or a revamped agency.

Step 5. Comparison of Duplicated Services
The OIG Lean Team is used to evaluate the efficiency of the duplicated Function and its associated cost data.   Outcomes are to be compared with all the other duplicated Functions from all the organizations depicted in a matrix chart where duplicated Functions are to be compared. Those duplicated services rejected for low efficiency will be declared as redundant and their budgets cut followed by reassignment or layoff of employees.

Those agencies with the highest efficiency will have their budgets moved to the new organization and the employees will be given the opportunity to move to the final Agency providing the services.

Step 6. Resolution of Agency Failures in meeting the Effectiveness Test.
If an entire Agency with Duplicated services fails to pass the Effectiveness Test regardless of how efficient they are they will be declared to be redundant.   With its budget removed and employees laid off.  Some management will remain until the Agency can be shut down.